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Glossary prepared for
International Congress: In pursuit of a drug-free ASEAN 2015: Sharing the vision, leading the change (Bangkok, 11-13 October 2000)

abstinence/withdrawal reaction 戒毒反应
acetic acid anhydride 乙酸酐
Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS)
anabolic steroids 合成代谢类固醇
analgesic 止痛的;镇痛剂
ascorbic acid 抗坏血病维生素,抗坏血病因子
barbiturates 巴比妥酸
bupremorphine 布普雷吗啡
cocada: coca dosage for an intoxation interval of 40 minutes from coca leave chewing and also for covering a distance of 2-3 km, Spanish term used in South America
cocaine hydrochloride 盐酸可卡因
codeine 可待因(自鸦片中提取的碱质)
constipation 便结,便秘
dependence 上瘾
diacetylmorphine 二乙酰吗啡
diamorphine 二乙酰吗啡 (i.e. heroin)
diuretics 利尿剂
DOM (dimethoxymethylamphetamine) 二甲氧基甲苯异丙胺 (STP)
drug abuse 吸毒
fenetylline 芬已茶碱
Fentanyl 芬太尼
frusemide/furosemide 腹安酸,速尿
heroin base 海洛因碱
Heroin hydrochloride 盐酸海洛因
inveterate 根深蒂固的 inveteracy
Ketobemidone 凯托米酮;酚哌丙酮
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) 麦角酰二乙胺 (迷幻剂)
MDMA ("ecstasy") 摇头丸,二亚甲基双氧安非他明
mescaline 三甲氧苯乙胺,酶斯卡灵(一种致幻剂)
methadone 美散痛,美沙酮 (镇静剂)
methamphetamine 甲基苯丙胺; 甲基安非他明(去氧麻黄素)
methcathinone 甲卡西酮 (also called ephedrine 麻黄素; 麻黄碱)
methylphenidate 哌醋甲酯(利他林)
morphine base 吗啡碱
narcotine (narcotinum) 碱溶鸦片碱, 那可汀
norpseudoephedrine 降假麻黄碱
opiate 鸦片剂
opium 鸦片
papaverine 罂粟碱
pemoline 匹莫林
phenmentrazine 芬美曲秦;苯甲吗啉,
phenmetrazine 苯甲吗啉,匪曼嗪
porous borders
precursor chemicals 易制毒化学品,化学先质,前体化学品
psychotomimetic 拟精神病的,重现精神病的
rehabilitation 戒毒
sniffing solvent
stupor 恍惚
synthetic drug 合成毒品
tartaric acid 酒石酸
testosterone 睾丸激素
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)[药]四氢大麻酚
thebaine 蒂巴因, 二甲基吗啡
tincture 酊剂
tolerance 抗药力
transit country 过境国
vertigo 黑运转旋,头晕

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